
Friday, June 22, 2012

Filler post...

I haven't blogged for weeks, since school got out. The reason being that I was no longer required to. But, I did say I was going to keep blogging, and that's for my own selfish reasons. I like writing, and blogging is of course a unique and interesting setting to write in. Therefore, I do plan on writing here, at undetermined time intervals.

So I felt obligated to put an awkward post in mid-to-late June, just to sort of keep my blog alive...I started to worry it might virtually die out. I'm not even going to bother and try and explain the logic in my reasoning for that.

In addition, I will be traveling to Japan and Italy this July (what a lucky teenager I am), so what better place to record my wonderful adventures than a blog...?!

Although, I have decided that it would be unrealistic for me to blog WHILE I am traveling, for a couple different reasons. 1) I do not own a laptop, and I do not like the idea of searching for internet cafes every night. 2) I will be DOING a lot of stuff. I will have jet lag. I will probably be hyperventilating when I step off the plane in Japan (yes, I'm THAT excited). Even if there was a convenient internet cafe, I don't want to promise daily updates (or even every other day), and then realize I can't follow through with that responsibility. I dislike when there are blogs, stories posted online, etc, that start out good...get better...then are discontinued. I don't want to do that.

THEREFORE (transitional emphasis achieved with caps lock), I plan on bringing a medium sized notebook with me, and attempting to write out my adventures each night. I know, old school, right? But on a serious note, I like this idea more. It would be more convenient to pull it out of my suitcase, then just write before I go to bed. That way, I have my adventures recorded, and I can update it on this blog when I return, for all my non-existent readers to see (Joking, I'll probably link the blog to my relatives and friends, so they can see it too).

On a miscellaneous note, another random reason why I like the notebook-idea better: I prefer seeing my own handwriting when I write for quality/story-telling. It feels more personal to me, like sending a letter versus an email. Although for schoolwork/business, typing is usually more convenient, in the summer I tend to write in unused school notebooks a lot. I don't know if other writers feel that way, but it feels more expressive and, "my own," when I handwrite, instead of in a default font, that billions of other people have used.

Well, that's all for now. Maybe I'll write before my trip if I'm bored, since I've been relaxing   *cough*being lazy*cough*   up until now. Probably potpourri stuff.

Ta-ta for now! :)