
Thursday, September 29, 2011

My geeky obsession

If you already know me, you know that I love the Harry Potter series. If you didn't know that, then you do now. I promised myself I wouldn't gush about the series in every post- and I'm keeping that promise- but I knew eventually I wouldn't be able to stay away from a post about it here and there.

I began reading Harry Potter during the summer after I finished seventh grade, not too long after the entire book series was on the shelves. I began reading the first book, and I enjoyed it. I soon connected with each of the characters, and truly relish the unique plot. I was hooked.

I finished the series within the length of the summer, and immediately began reading it through again. I had seen the first, second, third, and fifth movies before I read the books, and I thought the movies were averagely good. Not the best, but fairly interesting. After reading the series, I realized why many people were obsessed.

However, it wasn't until around July 2010 that began what I may refer to as, "The Year of the Potter." Yeah...lame name. But somewhat fitting. I was now looking forward to the seventh movie coming out in November, and part two the following year.

Fortunately for me, I have a best friend who is as in love with the series as I am. Indeed, we saw midnight premieres of the seventh and eighth movies together. Quite the experience, might I add.

Now, if I were to change the series at all, I would merely change when I read it. I wish I could have read it earlier, before I'd seen any of the movies, and during the time when fans had to anticipate the release dates of the books. Although waiting must have been a pain, I'm sure it was quite worth it.

I will admit that I am obsessed with the series. However, I am not in love with any of the characters, and I will not stalk J.K. Rowling or any of the actors and actresses from the movies. I appreciate the literature for what it is, and leave it at that. You could definitely call me obsessed, though. On the other hand- like how wondering if you're insane might mean you are sane- does admitting my obsession make it less "extreme"? WHO KNOWS, maybe I just think about stuff too much.

In conclusion, you can expect an occasional post about Harry Potter in the future.

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