
Monday, January 23, 2012


Being the obsessive artist that I am, I sketch whenever I can. And this Christmas, I had requested that Santa bring me a pack of colored pencils.  And he did.

But these aren't just any regular colored pencils. These are the definition of fancy. High quality, professional colored pencils. They are called Prismacolors. AND I GOT A PACK FOR CHRISTMAS. *Insert noise of excitement*

I used Prismacolors the first time this past fall, while taking Drawing 3. I used them for an assigned project, then I liked them so much that I decided to use them again for my final, which was an independent project.

I fell in love with Prismacolor when I used the school set, and now Santa has been oh-so-gracious and gave me my own pack of these God-like pencils. They are super smooth, blend-able, and put on a really thick, smooth color. They are expensive, but worth it if you take drawing seriously.

So that is my nerdy drawing rant for the day. I bid you farewell, and goodnight.

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