
Thursday, May 10, 2012

More Japanese Fashion.

I can tell how much you loved my Japanese Fashion post. Actually, I have no idea. I'm just posting this because it's what I want to talk about. Maybe you'll enjoy it anyway.

My fashion post was basically just a little preview to fashion ideals of Japan. I am no expert, but I can do research, get pictures, and share experiences with foreign exchange students.

One thing I'm going to point out first, is that the diverse fashion is not acceptable in school. As you may or may not know, Japanese schools are extremely strict. You MUST wear uniforms. There is no makeup, piercings, hair dye, perms, and boys can't grow out their hair. This may seem contradictory with the following photo:

The people in this photo do have dyed hair, pierced ears, and are indeed wearing makeup. The conclusion to draw from this? They're out of school. Simple as that. There is no breaking rules in a Japanese school, because you WILL get kicked out. A student wouldn't even think about doing any of this while in school.

That being said, are students still allowed to have their own individual style? Well in school, your uniform is...well, uniform. Hair, I suppose you could change that up a little, but nothing dramatic. However, there are chances to dress how you want outside of school. The extent to which that goes, I don't know. What I do know is that the Japanese exchange students that visited in March wore a lot of cute clothing. One major style I saw was tights under a skirt or shorts (Deja vu. Remember my post on tights under shorts?). They wore a lot of pretty sweaters, blouses, and jackets. They did not wear makeup though (although, for the record, I thought they were very pretty without it).

However, I do know that when a dozen Chinese exchange students visited for a week earlier this year, they were all wearing their school uniform, at least for one day.

Maybe I'll have a better viewpoint on all of this once I visit Japan for myself. I'll keep you updated.

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