
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Halloween is coming to town >:)

Halloween is coming up! One of the silliest, funniest holidays. More celebrated than April Fool's, but less serious than Christmas. And coming from a high-schooler, I would like to say that not one year has gone by since my childhood that I did not get dressed up.

Freshman year, my friend had a party on Halloween. I dressed as a "neon hippie" or as such I dubbed it. Last year, I did trick-or-treat for UNICEF through a volunteer club at school, which I was able to dress up for with my friends. That year I went as Hermione Granger.

Now I'm obviously getting older to the point that if I went trick-or-treating without ushering a small child, then I would be just plain weird. This year, I plan on doing trick-or-treat for UNICEF again, which I'm sure slides by, considering it's for a cause. Not that I'm only doing it as an excuse, of course, dressing up is just a plus. This year I think I plan on going as someone from the 80's, although I considered going as an all-out Voldemort. That would have been much more difficult, however.

So what's so great about Halloween? Well, I find it amazing because it's one big costume party! Picking out something to be for a night, and pulling it off well is always rewarding. The candy was the best part as a child, but now I prefer costume-ing it up with friends.

And of course the scares. I have not been legitimately scared on any recent Halloween, although I eagerly anticipate this year. I hope to venture scary houses with friends, and maybe plan a scary movie party. I usually don't like being scared, but something about this time of year makes me yearn for that thrill. It would also be extremely fun to incorporate a scare-prank on one my friends. That's always a good time. >:)

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