
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Yippee, gender roles.

Sexism is often a touchy topic of discussion. Stereotypically, there's always the man in the room who has to say, "Well scientifically, men are stronger," and the woman who must defend every sexist aspect made for women, by adversely using sexist stereotypes toward men. "Woman are TOTALLY as strong as men because men just sit around all day while the wife does everything for them."

Ugh. I don't like battle of the sexes conversations. However, what bothers me is that I still find norms used in our society that originated back from our not-so-ancient patriarchal past.

"Man up," "Stop being a girl," and some other slightly graphic sayings, are still said daily. I've had them said to me, and I've said them before without stopping myself. But more than the idea behind it, what bothers me is that it's still said. Especially when it's obvious today- and been proven by Shawn Johnson, Jennie Finch, and Serena Williams- that women can be tough, and can excel at sports.

There are more women in the workforce than men. Statistically, that's true. Contrary to a hundred years ago, you wouldn't be able to find a woman with a job.

And when it comes to relationships- sure the guy can hold the door, dive in for the kiss, pull out the chair, etc, but it shouldn't be shunned if the girl does that too. I have a friend that admits she would never ask a guy out on a date, simply because she's old-fashioned enough to believe that the guy must be the one to do it.

And of course, the, "women in the kitchen," and, "women can't drive," jokes. I try to ignore those as much as possible, but in all honesty, those jokes seriously irk me. And I know I shouldn't let it, because the fuel of the anger it causes is what makes it successful. Grr, vicious circle.

Honestly, people who suggest women are better, annoy me as much as those who suggest the opposite. Is one really better than the other? My obvious answer would be no, but I think the better answer is, "who cares?" I think we all have something better that we could be doing.

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