
Sunday, April 29, 2012

My Sister's Keeper Part 2

*Continued from part 1*

In the book, Anna sues, and there is the same twist, that Kate just wanted to die. However, they get all the way through the verdict, and Anna's side has won. Anna is riding in her lawyer's car, on the way back to her house. It's actually a happy occasion, because the family has cried and made up. No one is mad at Anna. But while driving, they are struck by a truck. Her lawyer makes it out, but Anna dies from the accident. There is a very emotional scene where her father (a firefighter called to the scene, at first unknowing of who was in the accident) is trying to revive her.

Anna is dead. But her kidney is still intact. It is given to Kate, who undergos the procedure, and survives.

Then there is the epilogue, which is now, for the first time, from Kate's point of view. The transplant worked, and it's been 8 years since her last relapse. Anna dies, Kate lives.

Now...DO YOU SEE WHAT IS WRONG HERE???? The movie changed the ending so drastically, to the point that one person DIES when they LIVE in the book, and the person who LIVES in the movie, DIED in the book!

Unforgiveable. Even Jodi Picoult admitted that she wasn't happy.

I didn't like it, because the, "twist of fate," if you will, is what made the book what it is. The "switched" deaths of the two sisters contrasts what most would think to happen in real life(which is what happened in the movie). It gave a completely amazing and novel message. By changing the ending in the movie, they changed the message.

Not okay. Bye bye.

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