
Sunday, April 29, 2012

My Sister's Keeper

So a few years ago, a movie came out called My Sister's Keeper. This movie was based off of the book by Jodi Picoult. About a year before the movie came out, I read the book, and absolutely loved it. It was intense and emotional, with quite the twist at the end.

My mom had also read it, so when the movie came out, naturally we went to go see it together. We were accompanied by my older brother, Ben, who is quite the movie guru.

Progressing through the movie, I thought it was going pretty okay. But by the time the end of the movie came around, there was a change, so cruel, so unforgiveable, I walked out of the theater seething.

If you don't already know, My Sister's Keeper is about a girl named Anna, who's sister, Kate, has cancer. Anna was intentionally conceived, and genetically confirmed to be a genetic match to Kate. This was done so that Anna could give blood or a transfusion of some sort to help Kate.

However, the real plot starts when Anna SUES her parents, for "the right to her own body," because she doesn't want to keep giving transfusions, and more recently, one of her kidneys. Basically, Kate needs a new kidney, and Anna refuses, taking legal measures.

Thus the emotional and intense plot unfolds.

From here on out, there will be a spoiler. In order for you to understand the unforgiveable thing that the movie producers did. So if you don't want to know what happens in the book more movie, I suggest you stop reading.....NOW.

In the movie, Anna sues successfully, but there is a huge twist. Anna wasn't actually suing because she didn't want to give Kate her kidney. Kate asked Anna to stop undergoing all of these procedures for her, because Kate wanted to die. There is outrage, but many tears, and the family that became broken is being pieced back together. Kate dies, and Anna lives. The family gets through it together.

*Continued on next post*

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