
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

He is We

He is We is a band I have recently become attached to. The band originates from Washington state, where Rachel Taylor and Trevor Kelly met and started jamming together. They have been described as a sort of Indie Pop.

Typically, Rachel writes the songs, and Trevor writes the music.

The first song I heard of their's was, "All About Us."

A very cute song. Personally, I think it has the potential to be a first dance song for a wedding.

This band's music has pretty original lyrics, which I like a lot. There are lines in verses that sometimes wow me, because they seem so novel. Rachel has a beautiful voice, but I have not heard Trevor accompany her in singing. It would be interesting to hear them sing together. Maybe that's not his thing, but I still remain curious.

Some of my other favorite songs of their's are as follows:

^Another potential wedding song.

One of the things that crossed my mind about this dynamic duo: are they in a relationship? Well as it turns out, no. Rachel is actually married. I have no more information on that bit, unfortunately.

Well that's all for now. I shall delve deeper into the world of muscial Youtube, and hopefully make another music post soon. Farewell.

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