
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Recently awesome movies.

Two weekends ago, I saw, "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close," at the movie theater. My first reaction was that it was a terrible movie. But I corrected myself quite quickly. It's actually a brilliant movie, about a terrible thing.

The main character is a 12 year old boy, whose father is killed in the 9/11 terrorist attack. In the story, he finds a key in his dad's closet, and decides that he is going to find what lock the key fits, hoping it's something his dad wanted him to find.

This movie is jam-packed with emotion. A tear-jerker. It is nominated for many Oscars, and I can see why. The acting is spectacular. Sandra Bullock, Tom Hanks, and now this new kid: Thomas Horn. They took my breath away.

I want to marry this movie. If that was legal, or possible. I want to marry it, and watch it seventeen times in a row with sparing intermissions.

Now, just this previous weekend, I saw "Chronicle." This was also an awesome movie, but probably not as spectacular when it comes to critics. It was about 3 teenagers, who happened upon a mysterious glowing object in a mysterious sinkhole, and suddenly have the power of telekinesis. Moving objects with your mind.

I didn't like the ending though. It just wasn't how I wanted to see it end. It's one of those movies that spiral downhill, then the worst happens, and nothing gets better. And only the last scene makes you able to wipe your metephoric tears, and march out of the movie theater, completely changed for the better. But really, NOTHING GOOD HAPPENS. It's just a stupid optimistic way of looking at things, and makes you wonder, "Oh...maybe it's for the better..." But no. The next day, you are feeling disappointed again. Because the main character with the really cute smile who started to really grow on you throughout the movie dies at the end. :(\

So in conclusion: Watch "Chronicle" with your friends. See "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" and fall in love with it. Then let's give "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" an Oscar, and save the rest for Alan Rickman.

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