
Friday, February 24, 2012

Oh so exciting trips.

Coming up very soon, I have the wonderful opportunity to go on a mission trip. Destination: Xicotepec, Mexico.

In a few short weeks, I will be packing my suitcase full of toothbrushes and toothpaste, and flying to Mexico City. This is through a club I am in at school.
Interact Club is something I joined my sophomore year, persuaded by my friend Christine, who was starting it. Since she was just establishing the club, she got a few close friends together(including me) to form the board. I didn't know what the club was until our first meeting, but I eagerly called dibs on vice president, which happens to be my postion today.

Our main goal of the club is to provide international as well as local service. Our international focus is to bring dental supplies to school children in Xicotepec, a village in Mexico. We raise the supplies through the school year, and bring them on the annual trip in early March.

Last year was my first time on this trip, and it was amazing. The thing that sticks with me the most is that we were able to play with the school kids. I spoke no Spanish, and most of them spoke no English. But besides this, I was still somehow communicated and had a lot of fun.

Going on this trip again is very exciting. I will see a lot of familiar faces, and meet even more new ones. The children are playful and lovable, and the adults are extremely kind. Not to mention, it was absolutely beautiful there.

The primary school we were focusing on was about a half an hour away from where we were staying. The way to get there was a long and winding road, that was on the side of the mountains. We were up high, and there was a valley below us. Clouds were underneath us. It was an spectacular sight. Not to mention, my two school friends and I sat in the bed of the truck(there weren't enough seats, and it wasn't against the law), so there was nothing between us and the scenery.

I am very eager to go back. I plan on video-blogging while I am there, talking about everything I do there. I will also post normal blogs about it when I get back. Stay tuned.

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