
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Post-Valentine's Day loveliness.

Yes, if I was writing a post about Valentine's Day, it would obviously make more sense to post ON Valentine's Day. My bad.

Valentine's Day. What has become of another commercial holiday is society's set expectations for men to give their ladies flowers and chocolates. Minimum. So if you're single, sucks to be you.

Well I disagree. I don't know a whole lot about the history of Valentine's Day, and I don't plan on explaining it all in this post, but what I do believe that Valentine's Day shouldn't just be about couples.

Think of EVERYONE you love. Family, friends, significant other. I think Valentine's Day should encourage you to go to those people you care about, and tell them you care about them. Simple as that. But of course, jewelry stores, chocolate companies, and flower shops thrive from their sales on this oh-so-special day, because people are pressured to do something extra special on that day.

Well, what's wrong with that? Nothing. But certain people tend to really take advantage of it. You want an excuse come mid-February to do something romantic for your man or lady-friend? Well, how convenient for you, because we have this holiday...

I have also heard many arguments against the practice of Valentine's Day.
"It's stupid. I don't need a holiday to tell my wife I love her, I tell her that every day!"
Quoted directly from one of my teachers this previous Tuesday. And I agree. Bits of gifts and romance are often most appreciated when the receiver is taken by surprise.

But doing NOTHING? What does that say? I think it should depend on your relationship. If you both agree to boycott the holiday, then go for it. But don't ignore him/her JUST because you think the holiday is meaningless. For one thing, they could actually be wanting something. Don't think of Valentine's Day as an excuse, think of it as another opportunity.

Personally, I would want to do something on the weekend around Valentine's Day. But something much more creative. If you know me, you know I tend to go against what's generic or traditional. Romantic dinner and movie? Naw, let's go on an adventure. Now THAT would be some serious bonding.

Maybe you're single? Big deal. If you're moping, stop. Having a special holiday doesn't make your relationship status on that particular day an accurate predictor of whether you're going to be forever alone or not. So get over it, and enjoy yourself. Don't get hopeless, because that's just silly.

That could be expanded into a lot more meaningful discussion about love and finding "the one," but I shall not get into that.

To conclude: Valentine's Day should be when you tell the people you love that you care about them. Like every other holiday(almost). If you are in a relationship, consider doing something special, but don't feel obligated to. Make sure whatever you decide to do(or not do) is well communicated with your partner. And if you are flying solo, enjoy yourself. Single time isn't necessarily time for looking for an opportunity to not be single. It's a time to learn about and grow to love yourself.

Happy Thursday. :)

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