
Thursday, February 9, 2012


Vlogging: A blog composed of videos, in which the blogger discusses the topics he or she would alternatively write about.

I'm so proud of myself for writing my own definition instead of going to Wikipedia first! But I suppose just to be viable, I should Wiki it anyway.

"...a form of blogging for which the medium is video..."

Personally I think I worded it much better. But I digress.

I got my first video blogging experience by watching "The Vlogbrothers." The Vlogbrothers is a Youtube account, in which John and Hank Green post weekly videos to each other, also to be viewed by the general public.

Not only do I really like this Youtube channel, but I believe it to be a supreme example of vlogging. You will probably see a post in the near future, exclusively dedicated to Vlogbrothers.

Vlogging is something I've always wanted to try, although I do not have much expertise in cameras and computers. But on that note, I will be putting together a video, hopefully sort of vlog-esque, in less than two months. I will be going on a mission trip, and my team mates and I have agreed that we are going to bring back a video to show the experience. (There will also be a separate post on this trip in particular in the future.)

I find vlogging especially refreshing, because for one thing, you're not always in the mood to read. That's just a personal reason. There are moments where I cannot stand the look of words on a page or screen. When you are watching a vlog, you don't have to read anything. They just tell it to your face.

Another cool thing, is that vlogs generally show the speaker talking directly to you, so you get a voice and a face to the author. When it comes to the Vlogbrothers, they are also very entertaining to listen to. Therefore, this may show that someone's speaking skills may be greater than their writing skills (obviously, both generally go hand-in-hand, but one can still be more skilled in one versus the other).

So in the future, I would like to try my hand at vlogging on my own. It would definitely be a new experience.

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