
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Vlogbrothers. :D

There is a Youtube account called "Vlogbrothers." If you've heard of them, and follow them, then yay.

For most of you that probably haven't, they are two brothers, John and Hank Green. They are full grown adults, married, have jobs, and one has a little boy. They post 3 videos a week, directed at each other, talking about...everything.

They are pretty cool adults in my opinion. As you may have seen in the above video, John is a novelist, and Hank the creator and manager of Their general interests include, but are not exclusive to: video games, literature, Harry Potter, music, politics, miscellaneous, and everything you can think of.

Hank also plays guitar and writes songs, which he often performs in his videos. Occasionally, there is a question video, where they answer viewers' questions. John has read from his own books in the past.

Recently, John has had a new book release, called "The Fault in Our Stars." This has been long-awaited, considering lots of his videos have included him just finishing the book, naming the book, finding a cover, and signing the preorders.

John had vowed to sign all copies that were preordered, which include about 100,000 copies (I own one!!!). He indeed succeeded, but with a pained hand.

I read "The Fault in Our Stars"(TFiOS) when I accidentally got an early copy(lucky me, only a thousand of those) in the mail. I found it to be amazing, but their was a new experience that came along with it. After following the Vlogbrothers for over a year, I have come to know John and Hank's style of speaking/writing, so reading TFiOS was strange considering I felt like I sort of knew the author. It was definitely a weird thing to think about.

These men have come up with their own jargon that pertains to everything about their videos. Everyone who follows their videos are Nerdfighters, and DFTBA(Don't forget to be awesome) is a general greeting. The description box is always referred to as the Doobly-doo.

Hank has a second channel, HankGames, where he solely videotapes himself narrating himself playing video games, sometimes with his wife, The Katherine.

I admire these two individuals because they have very distinct and awesome personalities. They are excellent speakers, and have very good taste and input on social issues. They are fun people overall, and I believe I would be pretty starstruck if I ever had the chance to meet them.

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