
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Style check.

I don't do these very often, but here's a post about fashion. In particular, a certain trend I am very fond of.

I don't even know if I should call it a trend. I wouldn't be able to confidently tell you how popular it actually is. But I like it, so I am writing about it.

Leggings under shorts. Typically, shorts are worn by themselves, and leggings are thrown under a dress or skirt for an extra boost of warmth when it's chilly(or if you forgot to shave). But I am loving the combination of the comfort and casualness of shorts, with the versatile and refreshing pair of leggings.

One major bonus is that I can wear shorts in the winter, without exposing my legs to the brutal weather. Another plus? You don't have to be as careful as when you are wearing a skirt or dress. Obviously, if you wear a skirt/dress, you have to be classy about it. Knees together, or legs crossed. That's nice and all, and necessary when you wish to wear a pretty dress, but it can get tiring. There are certain days where my laziness causes me to absolutely refuse crossing my legs, so thank the Lord I happen to be wearing pants.

I am also not the type of person who can sit still for a long period of time. Pants and leggings meet that requirement much easier than skirts. And leggings add a whole other piece to the outfit. You can choose different colors, textures, or patterns. I personally find the urge to buy every unique pair of leggings/tights I lay my eyes on, sure of myself that I could find some way to make it work.

They are casual, but can also be very dressy, considering what type of shorts you are wearing as well. So be cautious, but test your adventurousness too. Maybe you'll find this trend as pleasing as I do.

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