
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Double take. Yeah, try that one again.

So you're walking down any public street, and you see a girl who is obviously pregnant. However, she looks like she could be in high school. What is your first thought?
This is a complicated question, because often people don't want to admit their answers. Often, strangers will think, "Oh wow, that girl shouldn't be pregnant. How could she have gotten herself in a place like that? Obviously she's not that smart. Her parents should have raised her better than that." Or something along those lines, give or take a few bad names.

But let's look at it again. For most people, they would think that the girl made a bad choice. Maybe she did, but keep in mind, because of that choice, she is followed by stares everywhere she goes, with strangers thinking the same things you are right now.

However, I've also come to think, maybe those judging strangers should look at it from another point of view. For example, I bet many of those same people who would cluck their tongues, shake their heads, and turn their young kids the other way before they see, would be even less approving if the young girl got pregnant then had an abortion.

Personally, being pro-life, I would approve more of having the child instead of having an abortion. So next time, just think, "Okay, maybe she made a bad choice, but maybe she's learned from it. Look, she's chosen to have the baby, instead of getting rid of it. Maybe that's a step."

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