
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Irritable Sounds

I hope you know the feeling, when I explain how a certain sound or sounds immediately irritate me when I hear it. For example, the sound an intercom makes just before someone starts talking into it? That short second of static, as they're turning it on? I do not like that sound.

And the sound of scattered clapping. When there's a round of applause and it starts to die down, but those few people who do just a couple random claps when everyone else is finished? For some reason, that irritates me.

Although it doesn't bother me in particular, I know someone who can't stand the sound of a bunch of people typing on a keyboard at once. That also applies to many people pushing buttons on a calculator at once.

So why do these things bother us? Well I have no idea, I just think they're interesting to talk about. However, part of me is still curious. Personally, I think whatever sound tends to bother you is generally random, or has no specific reason.

However, there is a sound that has grown to really bother me because of what it is. The last couple years, I had an clock radio that I set my alarm for to get up everyday for school. I always set it to turn on the radio when the alarm goes off. But, sort of like the intercom thing, there's a second of static before the actual radio turns on. I almost always was in the light sleep phase before my alarm goes off, so in my semi-conscious state, I would hear that noise. Every. Single. Morning. I grew to despise that sound, because in my mind, it will forever be tied to waking up in the morning- which is NOT my favortie part of the day.

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