
Monday, November 28, 2011

Black Friday

Black Friday shopping is the time of year where millions of people stay up late, lose sleep, and stand outside in the freezing cold to buy stuff. Materials. Things you probably don't need.

I understand the human's need for wanting stuff. Because I am human, and I want stuff. As a teenager, however, I am not too keen on standing outside a store for perhaps hours at a time, in late November. It would be cold, and very annoying to one who may not be particularly patient. However, I was happy when my brother informed me that he was doing exactly that at Target. I scanned their catalog, and picked out what I wanted them to get for me. Target had actually opened in the late hours of Thanksgiving day, and not the early hours of the morning which is much more appealing to me. I would actually consider waiting in line for that.

My brother purchased an Xbox on sale, and the new video game, Skyrim. I had three glorious days of playing The Amazing Skyrim, until he went back to college...and took his gifts with him.

Buuuut I'm over it.

Back to Black Friday shopping. The one huge perk about it? All those purchases are beneficial to the economy. However, I would rather send my brother out and do it for me, so I can stay in my warm and cozy bed, and relish one of the last few days of my Thanksgiving break.

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