
Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Golden Trio

Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Daniel, Rupert, and Emma. In the series, they're inseperable, and the actors have grown to be as such throughout the creation of the movies.

JK Rowling, along with the creation of the Harry Potter series, also created three best friends, that survive the twists and turns of drama and action in the luscious plot that is Harry Potter.

In interviews of the golden trio, they all seem to say that they have become great friends- more like siblings in fact. They are eager to branch out to other movie roles, but are somber about the end of a great ten year project together.

To film the last two movies, Emma Watson had to smooch with both Rupert and Daniel. When any of them were questioned, they all seemed to call it awkward, and Emma said it felt like incest.

I see this as both humorous, but also very cool. To grow up and work with someone for so long, and form such a special bond is something a lot of people look for, even if it doesn't go beyond a simple friendship.

I look forward to seeing these actors in their future roles. It would be strange, but very interesting to see them as different characters than we saw them as for the past decade. Would they play characters with the same sort of characteristics as in Harry Potter? Or will they branch out to different personalities? Will Emma play a mean girl? Or Daniel an obnoxious jock? I anticipate seeing them on different screens, flying solo. It's also a desire of mine that two or all three of them would be casted in the same movie. Also a strange vision of mine, that their characters may not be the best of friends like they were in HP.

Wherever they go, I know the Golden Trio will be successful going their separate ways. Each an excellent actor, I hope they will find their own spotlight.

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