
Sunday, November 6, 2011


Glee, the show that nearly every show choir member seems to love. Making covers of songs and performing them in a musical-esque setup. Drama, dating, dreams, and performing.

When Glee came out, I never sat down to watch it. In fact, I was still oblivious through the second season. I thought it may be overrated. The first time I saw an episode, it merely reinforced that opinion. However, I started to watch more episodes with my cousin, who is in love with the show, and it grew on me.

The show is extremely cheesy. The performances are "too perfect." But if there was one singular reason to watch Glee, it's Sue Sylvester. The evil cheerleader coach, who doesn't care about anyone, and will murder anyone who stands in her way of success. She speaks perfect sarcasm with a beautifully straight face, and you would never defeat her in a stand-off.

However, the rest of the show really is funny. The drama plots are funny because it is cheesy, and the characters are so ridiculous, it's hard not to love them.

The performances are awesome, but a little overdone in my opinion. They could have made it a little more realistic, such as not blocking out all white noise. The covers are so precisely done in the studio, and the character lip syncs while acting out the scene. If anything, changing that would make me appreciate the show a little more.

Also, it's not always such a cheesy plot. The show focuses on many social issues going on today, such as bullying, and LGBT discrimination. One main character, Kurt, is gay, and there's a whole episode where he comes out to his dad, worrying that he won't be able to accept him. Since the whole club is marked at "the bottom of the food chain" in high school terms, every one of the members has at one time been teased.

While catching up on what I missed during the first two seasons on Netflix, I find my weekends that much more enjoyable, with such a juicy, funny, and colorful show.

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