
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Awkward driving habits.

I've noticed that there are certain things I do while driving, that may or may not be shared by the entire population. And I've noticed things that other drivers do that is probably not shared by everyone. Driving habits, whether frightening, awkward, weird, entertaining, or just plain annoying, are very numerous.

Starting with an obvious one, is speeding. I can understand that most everyone is comfortable with going five over the speed limit. But when I notice other vehicles speeding to the point of ridiculous, I don't like it.

Yes, there is the off-chance that the person is truly in an emergency situation, however I find the more likely option being that they just prefer to go fast. But it confuses me. When you're on a road with streetlights or stop signs, you are constantly being stopped anyway, and speeding in between red lights really just doesn't get you anywhere. I've been past by people going incredibly fast, then I catch up with them thirty seconds later because we are both at a red light. It didn't get them anywhere quicker. If anything,speeding might save you a few seconds. But honestly? A few seconds may matter in racing, but if you're late for work, or you just want to get somewhere as fast as possible, speeding doesn't help anything.

Now, for a few of my own driving habits. First one, changing radio stations. I'm not picky about music, but I always constantly scan through the stations to find a song I want to listen to. I may change mid-song because I get bored. I do it less when other people are in the car, because if the roles were switched, I think I would find it annoying.

Another habit of mine is singing in the car. I may sing really loud too. I find a good song, turn it up, and sing. I always wonder if people see me and think oddly of me. But it's fun, so if anything, I just lip sync when I know there is a car next to me. When people are in the car, I may or may not sing depending on the company. Either way, it's usually quieter.

So I've probably embarrassed myself by singing in the car, but hey, I know many people also do it, so I'm not particularly ashamed. Especially considering other drivers can't hear me.

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