
Thursday, May 3, 2012


More and more often lately, I've found myself walking into a movie theater to see a movie I have not seen any sort of previews for. However, I also find that I am starting to appreciate movies more when I see them in that sort of situation.

This past Saturday, I was out to eat with my best friend and her family, when she turned to me and said, "Oh yeah, we're going to a movie right after this, I hope it's okay." Haha, well it was, but it took me by surprise. We are pulling into the theater when she finally says, "We're seeing Raven."

Me: "Oh yeah? What's that about?"
Friend: "Something about Edgar Allen Poe."

Okay. Not a whole lot to go off of, but I sure do like Edgar Allen Poe. His writings and life are so juicy and dark, like its own suspense/thriller movie. And apparently, Hollywood thought so too, because they made a movie.

We walk into the theater, and I have no perceptual set (AP Psych terms, oh yeah!) of what this will be about. Basically, no pre-judgments made, or reviews read that might change my own personal views on the movie. (The basis behind perceptual sets is that, for example, if you hear from someone that a certain movie is ROFL funny, then you see it, you may think it's funnier than you would have thought, had the person had told you nothing about it. Because you are looking for what's funny, and anticipating it.) Another cool thing about not seeing the previews, is that it's almost like the plot is a surprise, and you feel more like a bystander in the crowd than a spectator who knows what's going to happen in the first thirty minutes. Haha, maybe I'm getting a little too deep about this.

So no perceptual sets for me, and I walk out of the theater loving Raven. The plot unfolds perfectly, so that even when the main problems start, I had no way of seeing what would happen next. Obviously, you get that feeling eventually, whether you see the preview or not.

In general, I really liked Raven. It had the old Victorian feeling about it, which I like a lot. The atmosphere is a lot like that also foudn in the Sherlock Holmes movies. It was enjoyable, suspenseful, and thrilling. I think most of the audience will enjoy it.

That's not even to mention, John Cusack.

Oh my love, John Cusack. His acting was brilliant in this movie. A complete transformation with the spectacular facial hair. Definitely reminiscent of Robert Downey Jr as Sherlock Holmes.

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