
Thursday, May 10, 2012


Makeup. Makeupmakeupmakeupmakeup. What does it mean to you?

Being high school, I see many people who have different opinions on makeup. Girls who can't go a day without wearing makeup. Girls who refuse to put any on. Girls in between. Guys who like girls with makeup, guys who prefer when a girl doesn't wear any. I've met people with all of these points of view. Personally, I think many people depend too much on their makeup.

Now, just looking at the girls' point of view, I can see why you would wear makeup. I understand why many put on makeup every day. I wear makeup, but certainly not every single day. I can also see why you wouldn't wear any makeup. In fact, I have a lot of respect for girls who are completely content with themselves not wearing makeup. But honestly, I don't love it when girls cake it on every single day, because they think they look ugly without it. I love the idea of natural beauty, and I like when a girl can show up somewhere without wearing makeup, and not feel like they're just being lazy.

Honestly, usually you can find me wearing makeup. One or two days out of a week, I won't be wearing any. When I do wear some, I don't wear a lot. In fact, quite a small amount. Basically, I stick to the eyeliner and mascara. If it's a formal occasion, and I want to look extra fancy, I will put on a little eye shadow.

I used to do the whole shebang. Foundation, blush, eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara. It certainly didn't give me the overboard look, but it was what I did when I first started wearing makeup. So what happened? Basically, I got lazy. I also started to dislike the feel of wearing foundation. I felt like I was wearing a mask (that statement can definitely be taken either literally or metaphorically. Honestly, I originally meant literally). I began by skipping foundation, then skipping foundation and blush. For a while, I just did eye shadow, eye liner, and mascara. Then I just skipped eye shadow altogether.

I am content with how I look with just the last two. Personally, I think my eyes are kind of small, so eye liner and mascara emphasizes them, and makes them pop. On average, it takes me about thirty seconds to put on my usual makeup. I am very proud of that achievement. Not wearing any makeup has a different impression on me each time. Sometimes it is just due to laziness. Other times, it makes me feel fresher, not having anything on my face. I also don't like the commitment that comes with wearing a lot of makeup. You put it on in the morning, and you basically want it to stay that way all day. But foundation rubs off, eye shadow smears. I tend to touch my face a lot, so I found that I was thinking a lot about my foundation, because sometimes it would rub of on my hand.

I don't like having to constantly think about makeup during the day. With just the basics on my eyes, I don't have to mess with it at all. I can forget about it after I put it on, which is really nice.

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