
Thursday, January 26, 2012

The etiquette of switching lanes.

Recently I've discovered another one of my pet peeves. I'm just driving along, and a car in front of me switches lanes. No big deal.

But they didn't use a turning signal. He didn't cut me off, it wasn't directly rude or stupid in any way, they just slid into my lane. It doesn't affect me, so why does it bother me?
Part of me still thinks it's an irrational pet peeve. You don't know why it annoys you, but it does. But then this other part of me starts to think about the reason. WHY didn't they use a turning signal? They must have deemed it unnecessary, which may be perfectly reasonable. And even though I know what I'm about to say is untrue, I can't help but imagine it as the most ridiculous thing that goes through that driver's mind when the situation occurs.

"I'm going to switch lanes! Oh yeah! Hey, there's a car behind me, but I know we won't collide. They're not gonna accelerate, because everyone in the world is a GOOD driver! Heck, I don't even need my turning signal! I'm just gonna surprise them by entering their line WITHOUT a turning signal! Because it won't matter!!! I don't care what they know and if they care! I'm awesome!!!"

Exaggerated? Yes. Partly true? Also yes. Most people think that everyone is either a good driver or a bad driver. But you can't drive like you assume everyone is a good driver. Because not everyone IS.

When someone does use a turning signal, I actually consider that a gesture of driver friendliness. Using a turning signal, to me, is sort of like saying, "Hey what's up? I'm just driving along, and so are you. I think I'm gonna switch lanes, is that chill? Sweet."

As an added afterthought, switching lanes without a signal is careless in general, no matter the situation. It doesn't mean a blinking light is going to protect you from crashing everytime you switch lanes, it just means it's a careless action. And I can't help but feel slightly insulted when someone decides to not use their signal in front of me. This is the exaggerated thoughts that typically enter my mind.

"Oh that's a very nice invisibility cloak you put on your turning signal." "Oh hey, no signal? That's cool, I'm sorry you don't consider me GOOD ENOUGH to notify me that you were going to switch lanes. I feel great."

Deep down, I know that it is not a big deal, but I guess that's why I call it my pet peeve.

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