
Monday, January 2, 2012

To speak or not to speak.

When you're caught in a decision of whether to act or not, it can be a pretty messed up situation. You've all heard horror stories of both sides: regretting something they said, and not being able to take it back, and not saying anything at all, and wishing they had.

So which do you choose? Well, considering I'm just a sixteen-year old girl who's in the same (or maybe totally different) situation, I am not qualified to give professional advice.

But maybe, just maybe, I can offer some mildy decent advice. Having experienced less than 20 years of life(nearly all of which has been spent in school), one may not call me wise. I sure wouldn't.

But when you're standing somewhat comfortably on one side of the door, you don't know what's on the other side. It could be better, it could be worse. It could be stressful at first, and you may have to work at adapting to the new place you find. You may find another door. Some would call that a carpenter's error, but metephorically, it's just another chance.

But not opening the first door could end in a lifetime of wondering: What would have happened? What was on the other side? Instead I turned around to what I already knew, and didn't venture out of my comfort zone.

So maybe you made a mistake. But maybe you didn't. Maybe whatever was on the other side was would have been worse. Maybe you wouldn't have been able to change your mind, or maybe you could have. You won't ever know unless you try.

Sometimes, you should go with your gut. When common sense doesn't illuminate the correct choice, and all that's left is pure instinct, go with it. Just don't make a habit of quick decisions. That can come back and bite you in an unpleasant spot.

So think, but don't hesitate for too long, or you will miss the chance. Always do a reality check. When nothing else shows you what you should do, listen to your instinct. Hopefully that will get you somewhere.

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