
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

You got this.

Would you believe me if I said you could do anything? Well I wouldn't. There's a large number of things you CANNOT do.

But besides those numerous things you are physically incapable of doing, there are a lot of things you CAN do. Many many things. Some that you can already do, and some that would take training.

If you honestly want to be able to do something, you can. All it takes to learn to do something is the proper motivation, and practice. Really. Excluding the extraneous things that humans cannot, and shouldn't do, but that's an entirely different topic.

Want to learn to be a runner? Run. You have to want it, and give the dedication to train yourself. Improve your vocabulary? Work at it. You can seriously shape yourself however you want to.

When you are younger, you are fascinated by dolls, action figures, avatar games, and personality quizzes. We like creating personalities, and people, and living out scenarios. We like the idea that we can build a person(doll) to be whatever we want it to.

Well guess what? WE EACH HAVE THE PERFECT DOLL TO CREATE AND PERSONALIZE. And that's each of us. We each get this person, who you could allow to be smart, fit, stylish, whatever. Obviously there are restrictions. You can't make yourself taller. Well, unless you go into some fancy surgery...but that's not recommended.

Want abs? You can have some. Motivation and practice. Better study habits? Make a plan, and initiate. Want to make yourself a morning person? Practice getting up earlier.

I have personally challenged myself to the last example I gave. I like to sleep in, it's refreshing, and feels good. But then you get up, and half your day is gone...and it's just not worth it. So I have been practicing getting up at an earlyish/decent time when I don't have any reason to. It's hard, but I can feel it starting to work.

Next goal for spring/summer? Increase running stamina. I know it just takes motivation and practice. I know I am capable, but us humans must feel the desire to accomplish something more than our urge to slack off.

Now think of something reasonable you've always wanted to be able to do, but never could really get it. Do it! I believe in you. You got this.

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