
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Craving expression

Lately, I've really wanted to go out and just take pictures. Have a photoshoot of the fall scenery. I've had these cravings before- yearning to take pictures, or itching to draw or write.

I know that expression is extremely important, because without it, I don't think we would be able to function. Doing something we love, or just showing ourselves through our passions, is vital to being happy. Whether it be sports, music, art, or anything else, expression is a major part of being alive.

Encouraging people to try new things is also helping them find a potential passion or hobby. Through that, they find their way of expression. For me, drawing is usually my outlet. However, I've wanted to try my hand out at photography, but, unfortunately, haven't had much time to do so lately.

A blockage of expression would not be very healthy. To make an assumption- I think that some people who are depressed don't know how to express themselves, or just don't at all.

I also find expression through clothes. Everyday, I dress how I want: lazy, fancy, pretty, comfy, stylish, or just something completely new. Often, what I wear reflects my mood. I would hate it if I had to wear the same thing of the same gray color every day.

In my own words, expression through passion is necessary to be happy. Without it, we may not know our own purposes.

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