
Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween or bust.

Admit it. There's a time as a teenager where part of you wishes you could still trick-or-treat. So instead, you grab a small child, and dress up with the excuse that you are escorting them. Great excuse really, I'll use it in the future.

The past two years I have the excuse of trick-or-treating for a cause: trick-or-treat for UNICEF. Not entirely an excuse really, since I care for the cause too. However, I still get to dress up, and that's a huge plus.

So what happens when you're too old, even for that? Generally, you either have friends who throw costume parties, you stay at home and hand out candy, or you curl up to watch It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. Personally, I would love to bob for apples, but that's beside my point.

If you decide to hand out candy, but still desire to make it fun, then there's a number of things you can do. I would love to prank kids as they come to my doorstep for candy. Not the little-little kids- that's just cruel- but the ones old enough to take a joke. One prank is to sit in a chair on your porch, dressed as a scarecrow. You are pretending to be a real scarecrow, so it must be convincing. You have your bowl of candy sitting in your lap, with a sign that says, "Take 1." It's your choice who to scare them when kids walk up and reach into the bowl. You can jump to life and grab their hand. Some would jump and scare only those who try to take more than one.

If you're going to a Halloween party, and you don't wanna dress up, then you should stop being a wimp and dress up. Halloween is awesome, and unless you have a legitimate fear of plastic and synthetic material, then there's no reason you shouldn't get in the spirit and dress up. If you insist to dress with minimal effort, then dress in regular clothes, and carry a sign that says, "Nudist on Strike." Get creative, don't be a downer, and most of all, have fun!

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