
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Google Guessing Games

Yes of course, the Google game. You begin typing, and it suggests what you are searching for based on what others have searched before you. Many times it's accurate. For example, if you type, "How to.." The first thing that comes up is, "How to tie a tie." Indeed, I have Googled that before. Strange, considering I'm a girl? Nahh.

Other times, the suggestions really make you wonder what other people do with their free time...
When you type, "Why do..." the first suggestion is, "Why do dogs eat grass?" Seems to be a question generated by pure curiosity. And then there is the angry, "I'm so mad right now! Why is this happening?? WHY ME?? ....hmmm maybe Google knows..." Building off the "Why do..." the angry suggestion is, "Why do men cheat?" You can only think, "Awww, poor girl. She must have been cheated on. Yet, she's asking Google for advice...interesting."

I like this game. Let's try something else. "What happens when..."
The first suggestion didn't exactly surprise me: "What happens when you die?" Very ordinary question to ask. Pretty philosophical/religious depending on how you look at it. Goes along with, "What is the meaning of life?" and "What is my purpose?" But does Google know? Considering it's a search engine...and it can't technically die...*sigh*

Next search. "Who did..."
First one: "Who did Ashley pick?" At first I had no idea what that meant. Further scrolling down the screen informed me that the question is about the reality TV show, the Bachelorette. Yay.
Second, of course, the celebrity gossip question. "Who did Kim Kardashian marry?" I feel the answer to this will not benefit me in any way. Moving on.
Looking down, to the fourth suggestion, "Who did Draco Malfoy marry?" HAHA. This question actually interests me. Who did Draco marry? I am curious, however, I do not know. If the series doesn't tell you, I don't think Google will.

Going from helpful suggestions, there's the silly ones that are only there because too many people were bored. "Hi google" and "Hi google how are you" are suggested when you get to "hi go-"

I'm going to end this post with the humorous ones. Many of these made me laugh.
"Dinosaurs are..." ---> "Dinosaurs are jesus ponies."
"Let's..." ---> "Let's kill Hitler"
"Snape is..." ---> "Snape is Harry's father"
"What if the world..." ---> "What if the world was made of glazed donuts?"

P.S. Upon further inspection, I found that the last one is from a song. If you have a strange sense of humor you may enjoy listening to it. That is all.

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