
Friday, August 17, 2012

Going home. Day 13

Saturday, July 21st:

Today, we had free time in the morning, before leaving after lunch. Kayla and I and a few others just walked around Osaka, enjoying our last hours in Japan. We came back to the hotel to have our bags checked into the bus.

While we were waiting around, I saw a mother, and 3 children walk across the lobby by us. One was a baby in a stroller, and the other two were little boys, I would guess about 4 and 2. I could tell that the 4 year old boy was staring at me, and he tugged his mom's hand. He whispered something in her ear, and she chuckled and stopped by me. The little boy looked at me and said, "Hello, what is your name?" in English! I told him, and he started asking me a bunch questions in English, that his mom would whisper how to say in his ear. He asked where we went in Japan, and if we had fun, and I answered in Japanese. The 2 year old looked just as interested, but much more shy.

When they had to go, I asked if I could have a picture with them! :) I tried to say something to the younger boy, but he hid behind his mom! Haha. But he wanted to be in the picture anyway. :)

Me and the little boy who talked with me! :) And the shy boy, and baby on the right!♥

After gathering, we had lunch in the hotel. We had some really tasty chicken, and it was a good last meal in Japan. We got on a bus, and rode to the airport to come home. :(

Our lunch, yum!


It has literally been a longer day than usual, and I am extremely tired. It's Saturday now, but I'm leaving for Italy on Monday! Ahh!

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