
Monday, August 13, 2012

Homestay!!! Day 8

Monday, July 16th:

This morning, we had our last breakfast at the Keio Plaza. Today is the beginning of our homestay! At 9, we got on the bus, and headed for Kofu. This is our last time in Tokyo, we are sad. :( But here's some miscellaneous pictures from Tokyo that I didn't share earlier:

The view from our hotel...We could see the mountains this morning!

Bye bye Keio :'(

The Fanta here, tastes amazing. Not only do they have grape and orange, but they have peach flavored. It tastes like heaven.

Heavenly apple juice.

Leaving Tokyo, sad face :'(

It's in the mountains, and we can see Mt. Fuji! We stopped at a rest area around 10 AM, and chilled for an hour, where I got some yummy ice cream! Then we drove to a restaurant and had lunch. We had Nabo, which is vegetable soup!

Fuji-san! :D

Our lunch room!


Then we went to the high school. Getting off the bus, there were some students around the parking lot, riding their bikes. Today is a national holiday for Japan, so they didn't have class. We took a group picture, then went inside.

Entering what was like an auditorium/meeting room, we could see that there were already many of the host families there waiting for us. I started to become very nervous. Kayla did an impromptu intro speech, and they introduced all of the teachers. Sensei introduced himself and Katayama Sensei as well.

Then they started calling our names to meet our host family and go off with them. Mine was called, and I went down to meet them. I said "はじめまして" (nice to meet you) to a girl and her mother. After getting our picture taken, we were joined by her father and younger sister. We went outside, and got into a red smart car.

They asked me about my trip so far, and I asked Sakina (16 years old) about some things that she likes. I spoke Japanese, but didn't understand everything they said. Luckily, Sakina is studying English, and her parents had studied some, so we are able to fill that somewhat.

We stopped for ice cream, and I had a mango slushie. They asked if I like Japanese food, and what specifically I like. I said Shabu-Shabu was my favorite meal, and they got really excited, saying they all liked it very much too. Eiko (my host mom) said something I didn't quite understand, then Sakina turned to me and said, "Tonight's dinner is Shabu-Shabu!"

We got to their house, and I got a tour of their home.

I. Love. This. House. It's big and beautiful, and I have a Japanese style bedroom, with a futon.

A panoramic view of my bedoom!

Yes. This is...Hello Kitty toilet papaer. Win.

I have a large window and a sliding door in my room :)

After getting settled, I gave おみやげ(house gifts), which they all liked very much. I gave them a couple Iowa t-shirts, a movie, an couple American magazines, an Iowa picture book, the book Epic Surge, and a picture that I drew.

Then Sakina said I could have free time to unpack in my room. After that, I was invited to play Wii with Sakina, Mio(my younger sister), and Atsushi(my host father). They made a Mii for me! We played tennis, wake boarding, and golf. It was so much fun!

After we played Wii, we left to go to a mall for the Shabu-Shabu restaurant. It was soooo delicious! Next, we shopped around the rest of the mall. It was cool shopping with my host sisters! :)

One of the stores my host sisters and I shopped at! So many cute clothes :)
Mio, me, and Sakina! Sisters!♥
We returned home, and after bathing, we had fruit, and I talked with my host parents about Kanji and my studies. I told them that I'm interested in teaching English in Japan, and they said if I do, I should come see them again!

Today was amazing, and I love my host family! Tomorrow, I go to school with Sakina! :)

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