
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Temples, and shopping in Shinjuku! Day 6

Saturday, July 14th:

After a lovely breakfast this morning, we left around 9 and went to a Shinto/Buddhist temple tourist spot. The temples really were beautiful. There was a hand washing area, that was supposed to purify you before going into the temple. There was also an incense burner, where you waft incense on you. Putting it on your head is supposed to bring intelligence, and if you have an injury, you put it there, and it's supposed to help it heal.

The handwashing thingy!
One of the temples.
Really cool inside. Not sure what it is, but I took a picture.
The incense burner.
Biiiig temple!
After the temple visit, we had about an hour to walk around and shop in a market area on the temple grounds. I spent a lot on souveniers there!

Then we went to the Edo museum, which was interesting, but also tiring from all the walking. Next, we had lunch at a Sumo-themed restaurant. They had a display of a Sumo ring, where boys can climb on to to take pictures. Girls can't though, because of some ancient tradition that they are too scared to break. Sucks. But the food was delicious! It was cooked over a fryer pan right in front of us again.

Sensei and Marcus, battling it out!

The Sumo Ring!



Then we went to a disaster building. The building is all about learning about different kinds of emergencies and disasters, and what to do in those situations. We did a smoke simulation, and a fire simulator where we shouted, "かじだ!” and actually used a fire extinguisher! We were going to do an earthquake simulator too, but it was broken. :( However, we did watch a very cool video about the GEJE. It had a lot of footage, and a breakdown of the time and areas where many things happened on 3/11/11.

Using the fire extinguishers! (They were filled with water.)

Me, Rebecca, and Alyssa with our guide!
Finishing up there, we returned to the Keio, and went to supper. It was a more traditional restuarant, and it was yummy! The owner of the restaurant had a contest with us, where we played Rock Paper Scissors for prizes!

I miss rice :'(
After dinner, we went back to the hotel, and met Takako and several Narita students to go hang out in the Shinjuku shopping area. Kayla and I went with 4 Narita students, and we talked about J-POP and fashion! We talked a lot, and I got to know them better in those two hours than I did while they were in America.

Konatsu and I! And Tristan, lol!

Takako and I again! :)

Shomi and I! :)
We did Karaoke, which was super fun! We had a 30 minute session, where I attempted to sing a song in Japanese! Then I did a duet to Poker Face. xD


Yuka singing!

Shomi, me, and Yuka!


Nao!♥ So cute :)

Konatsu, me, and Yuki! :D

Then we returned to meet the rest of our group, and we made promises and bid farewell to those we shopped with. We still had about 15 minutes, so Kayla and I decided to try and talk to people on the street. This sounds extremely weird, but it's not so much since we're foreigners.

I complimented 2 girls' clothes, and they stopped and we started talking. They were soooo friendly. We spoke only Japanese with them. They asked where we are from, how old we are, etc. I asked what sort of music they like, and they said K-POP and Lady Gaga! I got a picture with them before we left. :)

Me and the girls we talked to! :)
Today was fun, and tomorrow we shall go to Akihabara!

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